Train & Play On Turf


Friendly Facility & Just The Space You Need!

Field Descriptions

Talk to us directly about your booking needs: call Jessica at (780) 203 - 4120.


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Premium artificial-grass turf on Edmonton’s south side.

Prices Valid: September 15, 2018 - April 30, 2019

All Turf (76ft x 174ft):

  1. $185 per hour / Prime Time

  2. $149 per hour / Non-Prime Time

  3. $80 per hour / Day Time / (2 or more consecutive hours)

6v6 Turf Field [Areas A+B] (76ft x 139ft):

  1. $153 per hour / Prime Time

  2. $124 per hour / Non-Prime Time

  3. $67 per hour / Day Time / (2 or more consecutive hours)

Area A or Area B [Half The 6v6 Turf Field] (76ft x 69.5ft):

  1. $79 per hour / Prime Time

  2. $66 per hour / Non-Prime Time

  3. $37 per hour / Day Time / (2 or more consecutive hours)

Area C (64ft x 35ft)

  1. $42 per hour / Prime Time

  2. $37 per hour / Non-Prime Time

  3. $30 per hour / Day Time (2 or more consecutive hours)

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